
rdesktop SE app for Paradox SE, version 2.0.5 (build 1)

Product Name: rdesktop_se 2.0.5 (Build GA

Valid on: 2024-03-26

– Rebuilt with updated signing certificate

– Re-release of 2.0.3 due to corrupted hash file

– Fixed a problem where the user id wasn’t automatically filled in with Paradox SE 3.2.0. This change means that the user id will not be filled in when this version is used with older versions of Paradox SE.

– Rebuilt with an updated signing certificate

– Fixed an issue where keymaps weren’t being found

– Updated to work with Paradox SE 3.0

How to use rdesktop_se
rdesktop_se is an RDP client. rdesktop_se differs from the vanilla rdesktop because it has some custom features to help usability when launching the application.

1. customisation #1 – host name handling
By default the application will present a dialog box which asks the user for Windows host or IP address to connect to.
Alternatively you can specify a command line for rdesktop in the usual way by editing the automatically-created application launcher in BEM web. If a host name is specififed in the command line parameters the dialog is not shown.
You can also add additional command line parameters to the launcher, e.g.
winsvr.test.local -f
…will tell rdesktop to connect to the Windows host winsvr.test.local, and to run the remote session fullscreen.

2. customisation #2 – logged in user name handling
By default rdesktop_se will grab the Windows user name for the rdesktop session from the logged in user.
This can be overridden by specifying a user name in the command line parameters.

Known Issues
– To ensure rdesktop can connect to Windows RDP hosts, you must disable the NLA (“Network Level Authentication”) requirement on the Windows host as follows:
Open control panel and go to system->remote settings. On the remote tab, ensure the “Allow connections only from computers running remote desktop with Network Level Authentication (recommended)” checkbox is unticked.

Interoperability with other Becrypt Products
– Paradox SE 3.0.0 or later releases

– 0845 838 2070

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