
The standard product variant for laptops, desktops and thin clients is referred to as simply Paradox (or Paradox USB when installed to and launched from a USB device).

Paradox SE is a variant of Paradox that mandates specific security controls, such as 2FA and customer CAs.

Paradox is designed to be deployed on x86 based hardware, and can run on lower power small form factor devices (such as Intel NUCs) through to high spec laptops and desktops.

Paradox inherits a broad range of hardware support by leveraging drivers used by the Debian (Ubuntu) Linux distribution.

Specific laptop models used for product test are listed within product release notes (see product news release items).

We can not provide an exhaustive list of all hardware supported, so if you have specific needs, please get in touch.

Currently there are no formal product certification schemes appropriate for Paradox. 

NCSC have published a set of Device Security principles against which Paradox has been assessed, and a report can be provided on request.

Within government and defence, Paradox deployments are therefore accredited on a per project deployment. Further information regarding existing accreditations can be provided on request.

Becrypt remain engaged with and are supporting government initiatives that intend to provide new routes for product assurance.

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